A picture of a child in a black friends t-shirt, making an artful rainbow out of colored paper, recovery after child therapy

Therapy for Kids, Counseling Support for Parents & Families in Danbury, CT

Do you worry that your child needs more support?

They learn literacy skills and algebra in school, but how are they learning about emotional awareness and regulation skills?

Does this sound familiar?

  • Tantrums, outbursts, and meltdowns

  • Every request seems to turn into a fight

  • Difficulty with feedback or redirection

  • Seemingly endless Energizer bunny energy

  • Persistent worry and questions about “What if…”

  • You experience dread when the phone rings during the week, and worry if the school needs to meet…again.

  • Maybe you and your partner or co-parent have difference approaches that are not always complimentary

You want the best for your child. You want to ensure that you are providing them with everything that they will need while they are within your protective bubble.

Help your child get the help you need.

How working with a Child & Parenting specialist in Danbury, CT works:

Together, we will identify your child’s strengths, goals and desired measurements of success, and make suggestions of how you can support treatment outside of session. In the first sessions, our therapists will be creating a sense of trust and understanding with your child. That may look like chatting over a game of UNO or exploring themes in play.

Children are capable of discussing their feelings, but we find more accuracy and understanding when they welcome us into their world. Our skilled clinicians are able to assess your child’s needs, while making it feel like they are just playing. They are also talented at inserting therapeutic strategies into conversation, play, or by using familiar educational tools. 

FAQs about Child & Parent Work

If you have more questions have a look at the FAQ page or reach out.

  • Every person benefits from nurturing relationships, therefore every person can benefit from therapy. We are all trained in evidenced based therapeutic practices that have been proved to lead to positive results. Recognizing the benefits you may receive from therapy can often require that you have a mindset shift in order to see those potential outcomes.

  • The type of work we do at Cope & Calm requires consistency and we have an expectation of weekly attendance. A 50 minute window of practice can be beneficial, but is a small time commitment when compared to the amount of time outside the therapeutic space. In order to make progress, we need to meet at a weekly cadence. The length of our time together depends on the goals you want to work on, your openness in session, and fidelity to practice outside of session. Some of our clients meet with us in 6 week bursts twice a year, others have been with us for several years as their challenges change with their life transitions. 

    Most of our clients report some relief after the initial session when they feel connected to their therapist and have a few suggestions to consider.

  • The primary indicator of therapeutic success is the strength of the relationship between the therapist and client. We are all highly skilled at creating connection and a sense of safety in our therapy sessions both in-person and virtually.

    I will admit that when I was in my training I did not think that I would ever provide virtual sessions. However, 2020 challenged that belief, and I am so glad that it did! I love that I get to see my clients in their personal spaces. Not only is it more convenient for them and removes a barrier to consistency in treatment, but it also allows clients to get vulnerable in the safety of their home and provides additional context for the therapist that was never available before.

Two girls standing in a field wearing dresses and boots looking at a book together with the sunset in the background

How Therapy for you Child & Parenting in Danbury, Connecticut can help with :

Remember those early days when you were eagerly awaiting each milestone and then observing the change with pride? That is what it is like to have your child in therapy. One day instead of screaming at their sibling, they will stomp off for a break in their room or take a breath and walk away. Down the line, they will learn how to problem solve and advocate for themselves in effective and respectful ways that make them feel proud of themselves.

Cope & Calm and claim your time back.